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Since the beginning of time, Darkness and Light have waged an unending war, with nether side ever being able to gain advantage over the other, this chaos was affected by an evil red crystal called Luminous, born from the dark side of human.Through the incantations of evil souls who wished to bring upon the end of the world, the gods of heaven decided to send Cosmos godess of light to defeat Mania lord of darkness. As they have been locked in eternal fight without end, in exchange of here life Cosmos with here magic power sealed Cartamania inside Luminous and Shattered. After Cartamania's defeat, the world was at peace, but evil never end, and its slow rebuilding and eventual dominance were imminent. Human by there evil side searched for Luminous to gain power and rule over the world again, the threat of evil began to grow to an all-time high due to a new threat. Lucious, the former ruler of Cemira gained supernatural dark powers upon he found the crystal, he decided to destroy the world and turning it into his own dark habitat. However at this time, in a remote area of the land of Lamiria, a legend named Zane gifted with supernatural powers was born from the fight between the two gods. As he grew older, he was reminded from the gods of heaven that his extraordinary powers were meant for a higher purpose to destroy evil, but no one know that the young man was possesed by the darkpower of Cartamania, so zane decided to go on journey to search for Luminous to gain power and bring back Cartamania to destroy the human race.

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